Monday, June 15, 2009

Conversations With An (almost) Five Year Old

My two sons and I were on our way to run a couple errands when I get this question from the oldest:

Stas: Mommy, do all people have children?

Me: No, not everyone, honey. Your Uncle Todd doesn't have any children, right?

Stas: All people in our neighborhood do.

Me: No, not all of them.

Stas: All people in our state do.

Me: No, not all of them.

Stas: Why not?

Me: Some can't have children, some don't want kids, some don't feel they can adequately provide or care for kids.

Stas: What is marriage mommy?

Me: When two people love each other they decide to spend the rest of their lives together. Like me and your Daddy.

Stas: Macaroni and cheese is my favorite.

I guess the conversation was over.


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Either that or he's going to marry Mac 'n Cheese!

Joyce said...

at least he didn't ask where babies come from....