How would you like to win $150 worth of Cosmo Cricket stuff? Do I have your attention now? Well, hop on over to Life as Lou's blog and enter to win. She has collected a huge amount from Cosmo Cricket as well as some from her stash. You have until January 2nd to enter.
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I must say..likewise!! This place you have here is wonderful! and no, I can't take credit for the little angel in the is from pyzam.
I used to say that I was a stay at home mom. Now, I'm a stay at home mom with a business. Besides having two amazing boys and an equally amazing husband, I am a REALTOR. This blog will follow my kids, my family and all the fun and wonderful things we encounter. Enjoy!
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I must say..likewise!! This place you have here is wonderful! and no, I can't take credit for the little angel in the is from pyzam.
I'll have to go check out the blog and thanks for the offer! Thank you for stopping by my blog!!
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