Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vacation Pictures

My husband and I had a long weekend in Asheville, NC for his birthday. We had such a wonderful time being a couple instead of Mommy and Daddy for a few days. We went to The Biltmore--which is awe inspiring in it's size alone. The decor is something else entirely. And everyone, Everyone, who works there is so friendly. That is so refreshing to see. They truly enjoy working there and it shows.

This is the front view of The Biltmore. It was a cloudy day with snow coming in later in the day and the picture just turned out stunning, I think.

We went to the North Carolina Arboretum the previous day. Funny, the day before it snowed, it was 70 degrees out. This is a bee I caught in a Redbud tree.

There was a bonsai exhibit with several amazing ones. Did you know they can live for 200 years if cared for properly? I like that they also added landscapes to the tree. Just beautiful!

I've been learning how to use my camera and with the beautiful day and starting to understand the functions, I managed to get a pretty picture of this daffodil.

I have no idea what kind of flower this is. I liked the picture.

Now that I'm back and refreshed, I hope to have more in my shop very soon!


Joyce said...

Nice pictures! I didn't know there's so much to do in NC.

Rick said...

Sounds like a nice time. I wonder if the Biltmore in Colorado Springs got its name from there.

Mary Ann said...

Looks like you had a great time. Your pictures are beautiful. I love redbuds, they're one of my favorites. Love bonsais too, but they don't love me - I've killed a few in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

The Biltmore looks like something straight out of a fantasy film!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I think you and Chris have similar tastes to us. I loved the house and the gardens. Did you find all the secret passages? We're due to go again soon, haven't seen the bonsais before and need a refresher at the winery. Chad said we hadnt been in much longer than I realized, haha!

Parallax said...

Sounds like a great trip. I love the bonsais too -- I'm always impressed with the meticulous work people put into them

Bryan said...

So, how was the Bed of Roses?